Unlock YOUR Full Potential with Tailored Accountability Coaching

Have you ever felt like you're on the brink of something great, but somehow life's little distractions keep steering you off course? You're not alone! I've been there too, and guess what? It's not about being lazy or irresponsible. It's about needing that extra nudge to keep focused on what truly matters - your goals.

Does this sound like you?

  • You wake up still tired from yesterday's list and completely overwhelmed by the idea of having to do it all again today?

  • You have a list of things to do but are running around putting out everyone else's "fires"?

  • You are heading to bed and you cannot honestly say ONE thing that you accomplished?

Did you know that...

92% of the people who set New Years goals never actually achieve them?

Which means, only 8% of people actually achieve their goals.


Can you relate?

Are you on the same merry-go-round of setting goals in January but then come December, you feel guilty because not only have you failed to reach your goals, but you don’t even remember WHAT your goals were?

If so, I want to help YOU make THIS year different! I want to help you be a part of the 8% “club” of people who actually achieve their goals!

Think about this...

How often have well-meaning friends promised to keep you on track, only to be "too sweet" or "too forgiving"? Or maybe they just got too busy?

I've experienced it firsthand and know the frustration. That's why I turned to professional accountability coaching, and wow, did it change the game for me!

Let me share a little about me...

Hi there, I'm Dawn!

  • a wife

  • a mom

  • a sister

  • an aunt

  • a friend

  • a leader

  • an entrepreneur

  • a consistency coach

  • a holistic wellness coach

  • an accountability & productivity coach

and SO much more BUT... no matter which hat I am wearing, I am ALWAYS a daughter of the King of the Universe as God has claimed me as His!

I am here to share that I have been where YOU are!

Let's rewind almost 10 years. I was juggling a full-time, always-on job, managing a household with two middle schoolers, and handling the loneliness of my husband being away for 18 months of training. Overwhelmed? That's an understatement. But here's the silver lining - that challenging period taught me the power of planning, productivity and accountability.

By simply taking a few minutes each day to plan, I started accomplishing more, reaching goals faster, and reducing overwhelm and frustration. It was like unlocking a secret superpower! And now, I'm passionate about sharing this "magic" with you. 🪄

Over the last 6+ years, I've immersed myself in the coaching world, with a laser focus on Accountability and Productivity. I even earned my stripes as a certified Consistency Coach! I am known for my tough love approach, I'm all about keeping you accountable while offering unwavering support, encouragement, and yes, even prayers. I can't do the work for you, but I sure can ask those sharp, focused questions that keep your eyes on the prize. My clients, affectionately known as "Accountability Girls," are steadily turning their dreams into reality, one step at a time.

Ready to Transform YOUR Life?

Remember that 8% club I mentioned earlier? I want to help YOU become a part of that so you are a person who actually achieves their goals!

How? By helping you not do it alone! Successful people build a support system around them and I want be that support system for YOU!

I can help you move towards your goals by helping to create actions that will lead you to the results and success you want in your life!

If you’re ready to stop the merry-go round and make this year different, join me in Accountability Coaching with Dawn!

Let me introduce to you...

Accountability Coaching with Dawn!

Three options so you can pick the best for you!

Texting Accountability

  • Weekly with daily check-ins if that is what you want! *

  • Cancel anytime.

Monthly Accountability

  • Everything in Texting Accountability.

  • ONE 45-minute Laser Focused Coaching Zoom with Dawn each month.

  • Cancel anytime.

Annual Accountability

  • Everything in Texting Accountability.

  • ONE 45-minute Laser Focused Coaching Zoom with Dawn each month or TWO 20-minute Coaching Zooms with Dawn.

  • Weekly Intentions Prayer Call.

  • 1 initial Priority/Goal Planning Clarification Zoom within the first 2 weeks of signing up.

  • Voxer Hours included.

  • 12 month commitment.

*Each week you will text me what tasks or habits you would like me to hold you accountable for that week and I will text you for check-ins to ensure it has been completed including a Friday Celebration text!

Kind words from our current members.

  • "Everyone needs this in their lives!"

  • "Before this I would not have known WHERE to find my calendar let alone know if I was available on that date!"

  • "30-minutes a week is giving me back hours of time!"

Are you ready to shake things up and not only take care of what NEEDS to be done but you get to accomplish what you WANT to accomplish?

let's hear a yes! You are worth it!

PLUS you get my Freedom Focused Formula Membership for FREE!

Here's what's included in the Freedom Focused Formula:

Weekly Planning

On Demand Trainings, Tools & Templates

Exclusive Facebook Community

As a community we come together to plan out our week, month and season! If you cannot make it live, the recording will be waiting for you in your membership portal!

In your membership portal you will find trainings like HOW to breakdown your goal so it actually becomes a reality. Brain Dumping, why it is essential and HOW to do it to make the best use of your time and energy. Habits vs Skills and SO much more!

Here is where you get support, prayers and encouragement from not only Dawn but the entire Freedom Focused Formula Community! We would be happy to link arms with YOU! We are your safe space where we will lift you up! We are your people!

All of THAT each month for less than my college student's Starbucks order?

  • LIVE Weekly Planning Sessions

  • Trainings, tools and templates on demand in your membership portal!

  • Community of women who support, encourage and pray for you!

  • And so much more!

Kind words from current members.

And just so we're clear...
(Because I don't believe in wasting time)

You're in the right place if:

  • You are wanting a change AND you are ready for that change to happen!

  • You want to go to bed so you can rest well!

  • You are serious about living out the life God gave you to the fullest!

  • You are dedicated to following through on your commitments!

  • You are coachable and willing to make changes to better YOUR life and those you love lives too!

You're in the wrong place if:

  • You are looking for a "magic wand" to make your life easier.

  • You feel you are not important enough to reach YOUR goals.

  • You think getting a coach means everything will magically get done for you.

  • You would rather complain you are tired and can't get all the "things" done.

  • You have no desire to follow through on the dreams God has set for you.

You've got Q's? I've got A's.


You will have access to all of the materials as long as you are an active paying member.


Yes, there is an Exclusive Private Facebook Group just for the Freedom Focused Formula community! Dawn is active in there along with all current members.


You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase and will get access to our Exclusive Facebook group within 24 hours of requesting membership. IF you do not see the email, please reach out to [email protected]


Yes, you can cancel any time for the Texting and Monthly Accountability. The Annual Accountability has a 12 month commitment.


Email [email protected] and we will get you taken care of.


The Monthly and Annual Accountability options both offer one-on-one support.


If you’ve still got questions for me or want to chat, please email me anytime! [email protected] I would love the chance to chat further, no pressure, I promise!


Joining Accountability Coaching with Dawn is easy!

Simply select the option that is best for you, fill in your details, get your welcome email and we'll get started!

I look forward to welcoming you with open arms!

Texting Accountability:

  • Weekly with daily check-ins if that is what you want!

Monthly Accountability:

  • Everything in Texting Accountability.

  • One 45-minute Laser Focused Coaching Zoom with Dawn

Annual Accountability:

  • Everything in Texting Accountability.

  • ONE 45-minute Laser Focused Coaching Zoom with Dawn each month or TWO 20-minute Coaching Zooms with Dawn.

  • Weekly Intentions Prayer Call.

  • 1 initial Priority/Goal Planning Clarification Zoom within the first 2 weeks of signing up.

  • Voxer Hours.

BONUS: Freedom Focused Formula Membership:

Zoom to plan your:

  • Week

  • Month

  • Season

On Demand:

  • Trainings

  • Templates

  • Tools

Community & Support:

  • Exclusive Facebook Group

  • Prayer Outreach


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